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Getting Started | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire

How to get started:

1. Buy a phone number

Kick off your project with this essential step.

2. Make and receive your first phone calls

Configure your number and begin calling.

3. Set up auto top-up

Ensure uninterrupted service with automatic top-ups.

Understand all the credentials available in your
SignalWire space


Start Building

Build Your First Low-Code AI Agent

Use our visual AI Agent builder with preset personalities and languages to create your first AI voice agent. Customize the name, purpose, and prompt, all in plain text instructions.

Introduction to SWML

Interested in coding your own AI agent for extra customization? Learn the basics of SignalWire Markup Language (SWML), which will allow you to write applications in YAML or JSON. Need additional help? Contact to get started.

SignalWire makes it easy to build your communication needs.