Super Snippet Combo: Simple Contact Center
This snippet will show you how to implement basic contact center functionality, and is based on a number of previous Snippets working together.
You will need a machine with Python installed, the SignalWire SDK, a provisioned SignalWire phone number, and optionally Docker if you decide to run it in a container.
For this demo we will be using Python, but more languages may become available.
- Python
- SignalWire SDK
- SignalWire Phone Number
- Docker (Optional)
Methods and Endpoints
Endpoint: /get_menu
Methods: GET OR POST
Requests generate a menu, it will default to main menu if no menu is specified. The get_menu, will look for dtmf entries to select action for routing and moving along a menu tree.
Endpoint: /get_survey
Methods: GET OR POST
Requests generate a survey.
Endpoint: /conference_event
Methods: GET OR POST
Accepts conference events from GET or POST
Endpoint: /wait_music_queue
Methods: GET OR POST
Generates wait music, and queue stat updates
Endpoint: /enter_queue
Methods: GET OR POST
Handles entering a queue
Endpoint: /enqueue_event
Methods: GET OR POST
Accepts enqueue events from GET or POST
Endpoint: /inbound_voice
Methods: GET OR POST
Web entry for inbound voice interactions.
Endpoint: /inbound_sms
Methods: GET OR POST
Web entry for inbound text interactions.
Endpoint: /connect_agent
Methods: GET OR POST
Connects the agent to the conference with caller
Endpoint: /connect_caller
Methods: GET OR POST
Connects the caller to the conference with agent
Endpoint: /voice_entry
Methods: GET OR POST
The voice application entry point
Endpoint: /voice_event
Methods: GET OR POST
Handles voice status events
Endpoint: /get_voicemail
Methods: GET OR POST
Mock voicemail rendering for demo
Endpoint: /make_connection
Methods: GET OR POST
We are assuming an agent is ready for this snippet, by hitting this url it will connect the caller and agent.
Endpoint: /api/logs/{Log Resource Name}
Methods: GET
Returns JSON of entries, for reporting and front-end web.
Setup your Configuration
- Edit the config.json file
This example file has endpoints/groups that will contain list of agents. Each menu contains a index, which is equal to the key-press on the menu, a verbiage, and an action
{ "settings": { "name": "Kevin's Contact Center", "outboundPhoneNumber": "--redacted--", "hostname": "http://--redacted--", "mainMenu": "main", "agentHuntMode": "Longest_Idle", "acceptedChannels": [ "voice", "sip" ], "enableAnnouncment": true, "enableExitSurvey": false, "enableCallback": false, "enableInboundText": false, "enableTextSummary": false, "enableQueueStatsMessage": true, "enableExitMessage": false, "enableWaitingMusic": true, "enableWaitingAds": true, "enableWrapUpUrl": false, "wrapUpUrl": "/some/endpoint/to/handle/post/call/stuff", "wrapUpUrlMethod": "POST", "waitingMusics": [ "" ], "waitingAds": [ "", "", "", "" ], "textToSpeech": { "voice": "Polly.Matthew", "language": "en-US" }, "agents": { "0": { "name": "Kevin G.", "channels": { "sip": { "endpoint": "sip:--redacted--@--redacted--" }, "voice": { "endpoint": "--redacted--" }, "text": { "endpoint": "/some/url/to/process/this" } }, "channelsEnabled": [ "voice", "sip" ], "roles": [], "skills": [ "english", { "desirability": 1, "proficiency": 1 }, "spanish", { "desirability": 0, "proficiency": 0 } ] }, "1": { "name": "Rick Sanchez", "channels": { "voice": { "endpoint": "--redacted--" } }, "channelsEnabled": [], "roles": [], "skills": [ "english", { "desirability": 1, "proficiency": 1 }, "spanish", { "desirability": 0, "proficiency": 0 } ] }, "2": { "name": "Marty McFly", "channels": { "voice": { "endpoint": "--redacted--" } }, "channelsEnabled": [], "roles": [], "skills": [ "english", { "desirability": 1, "proficiency": 1 }, "spanish", { "desirability": 1, "proficiency": 1 } ] } }, "queues": { "salesPartners": { "queueSid": "--redacted--" }, "salesSupport": { "queueSid": "--redacted--" }, "techSupport": { "queueSid": "--redacted--" } }, "messages": { "queueStatsMessage": "You are position ... %QueuePosition% ... of ...%CurrentQueueSize% ... Callers with an average wait time of ...%AvgQueueTime% ... seconds. Thank you for holding.", "entryMessage": "Thank You For Calling Kevin's Excellent Call Center!!", "exitMessage": "Thank You For Calling! The real O Gs.. Original Geeks! Remember you can reach us on the web at signalwire dot com" }, "menus": { "main": { "1": { "verbiage": "For Sales, Press 1", "action": "/get_menu?menu=sales" }, "2": { "verbiage": "For Tech Support, Press 2", "action": "/get_menu?menu=tech" } }, "sales": { "1": { "verbiage": "For Partners, Press 1", "action": "/enter_queue?name=salesPartners" }, "2": { "verbiage": "For Help With Your Purchase, Press 2", "action": "/enter_queue?name=salesSupport" } }, "tech": { "1": { "verbiage": "For issues with your internet, press 1", "action": "/enter_queue?name=techSupport" }, "2": { "verbiage": "For issues with your cell phone, press 2", "action": "/get_voicemail?group=mobileSupport" } } } }, "signalwire": { "space": "", "project": "", "token":"" }, "mailgun": { "domain": "", "token": "" } }
Setup Your Environment File
This snippets configuration is accomplished via config.json, no environment file necessary.
Build and Run on Docker
Let's get started!
- Use our pre-built image from Docker Hub:
For Python:
docker pull signalwire/snippets-simple-contact-center:python
- Or build your own image:
docker build -t snippets-simple-contact-center .
- Run your image:
docker run --publish 5000:5000 snippets-simple-contact-center
- The application will run on port 5000
Build and Run Natively
For Python:
1. Edit config.json, to build out your contact center.
2. From command line run, python3
More Documentation
You can find more documentation on LaML, Relay, and all SignalWire APIs at:
If you have any issues or want to engage further about this snippet, please open an issue on this repo or join our fantastic Slack community and chat with others in the SignalWire community!
If you need assistance or support with your SignalWire services please file a support ticket from your Dashboard.