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Introducing Subprojects: A More Streamlined Way For SignalWire Partners To Manage Their Customers | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire

Introducing Subprojects: A More Streamlined Way For SignalWire Partners To Manage Their Customers

Product Manager

Joe Conrad

Subprojects provide the ability to better organize and manage the various resources assigned to your own customers by separating them into different containers within your SignalWire space. Nested below the core project(s) in your space, you are able to create an unlimited number of subprojects to suit your specific needs.

Creation of subprojects can be done using SignalWire’s REST APIs, giving you the power to automate the process. Related documentation can be found in the SignalWire Developer’s Portal.

You can also create subprojects via the UI when signed in to your account’s space. Simply navigate to the Subprojects tab on the Home screen of the main project under which you want to create your new subproject.

Once your subproject is created, resources will only be visible from their own Subproject. This includes API tokens (used to manage the related resources within the subproject), purchased phone numbers, SIP endpoints, rooms, recordings, etc. Some resources, such as phone numbers, can be moved between subprojects using the REST APIs noted above.

While each subproject shares in your account’s overall balance, usage (and related billing detail) associated to resources within a subproject can now be broken out at the subproject level.