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The Adventures of the FreeSWITCH Team | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire

The Adventures of the FreeSWITCH Team

In the past few weeks, the FreeSWITCH team has been on tour! We spent time visiting a few conferences across the United States, talking about the communications industry and reconnecting with friends we usually only get to see on Verto.

First, we went to AstriCon in sunny Orlando, Florida! Before we arrived at the resort for the conference itself, we made a pitstop at the Universal theme parks. We saw the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and rode some crazy roller coasters. After a long day at the theme park it was nice to kick back and relax at the resort.

Our time at AstriCon was even more fun than Universal. Anthony Minessale and Evan McGee gave very interesting talks throughout the week of the conference about FreeSWITCH and SignalWire. And of course, we loved the warm weather and playing Cards Against Technology with everyone at happy hour! We can’t wait to come back next year. Be sure to look out for a recording of Anthony and Evan’s talks online and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up to date with our next endeavors.

Next, the FreeSWITCH team took a few days to visit the Illinois Institute of Technology’s real-time communications conference in Chicago. As engineers, meeting with students and helping them learn about the industry is a very important mission to the team. We have a wonderful relationship with IIT; every year they give us an update on their RTC projects at ClueCon. You can learn a little bit more about that on our blog or in our ClueCon archives. Anthony Minessale gave a very interesting talk about FreeSWITCH, we met a lot of bright students, and had a lot of fun breaking out Cards Against Technology again!

On the last leg of our trip, we took a few days to stop in San Fransisco. It was great for our team to work together in person and see some of the beautiful sights the city has to offer. We saw the Golden Gate Bridge, the Redwood Forests, and got a (very accurate) caricature drawn at Fisherman’s Wharf!

We had a wonderful time talking about FreeSWITCH and hearing about all of the amazing things our peers are working on.

We especially miss the warm weather in Orlando as November starts to bring its cold temperatures to the Midwest!

Here are just a few of the photos we took over the two weeks! (We took a lot of photos.)