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More ClueCon Speakers Announced | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire

More ClueCon Speakers Announced

Several more ClueCon 2018 speakers were announced recently with more to come. Check out the speakers page at often for updates! Here are just a few……

Anthony Minessale

Founder of FreeSWITCH and CEO SignalWire at FreeSWITCH

Keynote and WebRTC Roundtable


Product Manager at CALLSTATS I/O Oy

AI for real-time communications

Brian West

Co-Founder/Developer at FreeSWITCH Solutions

FreeSWITCH Roundtable

Dan Christian Bogos

Project Lead at

Real-time number portability using CGRateS

Dan Jenkins

Founder | CEO | Engineer at Nimble Ape

FreeSwitch, WebRTC and WebVR

Daniel-Constantin Mierla

Co-Founder at Kamailio

Elasticity of VoIP platforms with Kamailio

David Duffett

Worldwide Community Director, Asterisk at Digium Inc.

Asterisk Update and Open Source Love

Fred Posner

Voice Engineer at

Kamailio as a SIP Edge Router