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It’s official: ClueCon in February 2021! | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire

It’s official: ClueCon in February 2021!

Every year, the FreeSWITCH team hosts ClueCon, an awesome developers’ conference in Chicago. Things were a little bit different than usual in 2020, but we still had ClueCon entirely online: ClueCon Deconstructed, a free to attend, three-day-long event by developers, for developers.

ClueCon is all about community. And in August, the community showed up – ClueCon Deconstructed, our first virtual conference hosted in our own SignalWire virtual office space, was a huge success!

We are so excited to announce that on February 16th-17th, 2021, we will be hosting the first ever mini version of ClueCon online, ClueCon TGI2021! This two-day-long event will also be free and entirely online, and will include the highlights of a usual ClueCon: insightful presentations brought to you by industry experts, and educational workshops from the open source community.

Each year, the thought-provoking presentations and brilliant workshops are a major part of what make ClueCon so memorable. In the world of open source and telecom, there are so many passionate, knowledgeable professionals who have plenty to share, and we’re bringing them to you in this mini virtual version of ClueCon. From the comfort of your own home you’ll get to witness all kinds of conference-worthy presentations about telephony, WebRTC, VoIP, and more, with built-in breaks throughout the day.

ClueCon TGI2021 will NOT be replacing the usual August conference. Mark your calendars, because the full version of ClueCon, which will include other classic events like the Coder Games hack-a-thon and Dangerous Demos, will be taking place on August 2nd-5th, 2021.

Click here to register now. See you in February!