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FreeSWITCH To-Go! | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire


Product Marketing Manager

Abbi Minessale

FreeSWITCH is going on the road! Catch the FreeSWITCH team at AstriCon this October to discuss our Open Source project and to see Anthony Minessale’s talk on FS. You’ll find us at our booth at the expo or floating on the lazy river…either way come by and say hi!

  • You can see Anthony speak on Wednesday October 10 at 11:15am in Osceola A.
  • Evan McGee, CTO at SignalWire, will be speaking twice. Once on Tuesday October 9th at 10:00am and the other on Thursday October 11th at 10:00am, both in Osceola A. He will be speaking on Cloud RTC and Machine Learning respectively…so don’t miss it!

You can also catch Anthony speak at IIT’s RTC Conference and Expo as well as the rest of the team at the TADhack hackathon.

We can’t wait to see you all!