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SignalWire Launches New Cloud Platform to Empower All Developers to Build Advanced Communications Capabilities | SignalWireAdvanced communications from the source. | SignalWire

SignalWire Launches New Cloud Platform to Empower All Developers to Build Advanced Communications Capabilities

SignalWire CLOUD enables rapid application development on an elastic cloud platform

SignalWire, Inc., proprietors of FreeSWITCH, the leading global communications platformofficially launched today with the immediate availability of its new advanced communications platform, SignalWire CLOUD.

SignalWire CLOUD enables rapid application development on an elastic cloud platform, eliminating the complexity and cost required to develop, maintain, and scale low-level communications infrastructure.

SignalWire’s technology is already well established in the telecommunications space. Beginning in 2006, FreeSWITCH disrupted the telecommunications industry by providing businesses and developers an alternative to the antiquated, proprietary, and costly technology offered by legacy providers. Growing from a single voice over IP phone call to millions of lines of code, including multi-protocol voice, video, messaging, and WebRTC capabilities, SignalWire lays claim to the most widely deployed communications platform in the world.

“We built a community of expert communications developers, and empowered many companies like Netflix, Comcast, Cisco, and Amazon, leading to billions of dollars in business using our technology as the backbone of some of their most critical service applications,” said Anthony Minessale II, CEO of SignalWire, industry pioneer and creator of FreeSWITCH.

“The power inherent in our technology, and the ability to innovate on top of it, made businesses possible,” said Evan McGee, co-founder and CTO of SignalWire. “What we’re doing now, is making that accessible to anybody.”

SignalWire CLOUD extends this proven and trusted technology to developers that do not have specific communications expertise. It empowers developers of all skill sets to create advanced communications capabilities with simple-to-use and disruptively-priced APIs.

SignalWire’s advanced communication APIs utilize WebSocket protocol, allowing for simultaneous bidirectional data transmission. This technology is superior to one-way REST APIs for ensuring reliable, low-latency, real-time communications features. It also allows SignalWire to offer true real-time billing and account control not available from REST-based API providers.

SignalWire will also include disruptive pricing on carrier service APIs such as text, voice origination and termination, and DID provisioning, providing relief for customers accustomed to being gouged by competing providers.

“Some providers offer ways to run up your phone bill with APIs to place calls and text messages, but they really don’t provide any value-add beyond these basic essential services,” said Minessale. “We’re going to end that with near-wholesale carrier services, because we think there’s more value in offering advanced communications functionality that only our technology can provide.”

The SignalWire founding team includes Minessale and McGee, who was formerly at RingPlus, as well as Chief Operations Officer Sean Heiney a former product development and marketing executive at Barracuda Networks. The team has selected and recruited top tier communications developers from around the globe to build an advanced API product.

The company also announced today that it has acquired FreeSWITCH Solutions, LLC, the primary sponsor of the popular open source project.

About SignalWire

SignalWire delivers a cloud platform for building advanced communications products, applications, or enterprise infrastructure. Our APIs, built for developers of all skill sets, enable rapid application development on a managed elastic framework. SignalWire technology is proven and trusted, already deployed by over 5000 commercial enterprises around the world. For more information, visit